It’s time to celebrate 100 weeks of Monday Menus! 100 weeks of sharing two easy family meal menus with seasonal main dish and side dish recipes, breakfast recipes, snack and dessert recipes too! To make the most of this milestone, enjoy a look back at our top 5 reader favorite Menus of all time!

Can you believe we’ve made it this far? 100! What a great marker for our community. We’ve been cooking and serving great meals using Monday Menu for almost 2 years now! Can it get any better? I think it can!
You already know that MM is dedicated to pulling together the best of our Southern Discourse recipes to create beautifully easy, accessible meals that are all planned out for you! No more getting in a rut or pulling through the drive through. Monday Menu takes the guess work out of dinner, breakfast, snack and dessert.
To celebrate week 100, here are the 5 Monday Menus that you, the readers, loved best!

This Monday Menu is comfort food to the max! Chicken Pot Pie and Sloppy Joe Sliders with side dishes make the week extra homey.

Speaking of comfort, you all loved these meals featuring chicken & dumplings and sausage jambalaya.

And most recently, sour cream enchiladas and buttermilk roasted chicken had everyone cooking and enjoying their family tables!

These next two Monday Menus date back before the new format, back when Monday Menu had no special graphics and was just a little something tucked inside subscriber emails.
But just because they’re from the way back doesn’t mean they are any less delicious! Ever heard the phrase ‘oldie but goodie’? The next two Monday Menus qualify in spades and have been some of the most loved meals since Day 1!
Menu 1
Menu 2
Dessert & Snack

Menu 1
Menu 2
Dessert & Snack
New To The Menu?
Southern Discourse subscribers receive Monday Menus directly in their email inboxes, along with encouragement and installments from our Faith & Grace series. Here at Southern Discourse we’re bringing connection & friendship back to the table by wrapping everything in the faith and grace from which true hospitality springs!
Subscribe to join our community and receive your Monday Menu + enriching food for the soul every week!

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