This week’s Coffee Break is going to be a little different. Different does us good every now and then. Sometimes, we choose different for a little spice of life. And other times, we choose different out of necessity. Let’s say that this week’s Coffee Break is different because of both. We’ve got to get some Thanksgiving on the table!
Thanksgiving itself is enough reason to change things up. What a holiday! We spend the day with family and friends, sharing our favorites dishes and being intentional about gratitude. There’s no better time to think back over the year and reflect on just how fortunate we really are. Not to mention, letting those we love know just how we feel about them. After all, it’s the people that fill our lives and hearts that make us rich! Don’t let an opportunity pass where you don’t let them know just how much they mean.
But there’s also a little necessity to this different Coffee Break. While most of our Thanksgiving menus are set, there are always those little holes that creep up. “Don’t you think we need another vegetable?” “Did you remember the corn?” “Johnny’s family’s coming. We need one more something to round things out.” You know those last minute side dishes that are an absolute must if the meal is to go off without a hitch! That’s why this week’s Coffee Break pays homage to one of the greatest Thanksgiving dishes– the side dish.
But whether this week’s Coffee Break is different or not, one thing is the same. Us. Starting the week together. Making the most of our plans and goals. And looking forward to spending a little time with one another.
Monday Coffee Break #61- Thanksgiving Edition
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