Do you have your coffee cup? I do!
We’re up and at ’em and ready to face the world this morning! There’s nothing better than a new week because that means a new chance to tackle life.
But sometimes it can feel more like life might be tackling us. I definitely know how that is. That’s why this week, I’m sharing some personal encouragement with you from a couple of years ago when our family decided to take on a lot of change all at once. There must be something about change we like because we are smack dab in the middle of it again! One child has come home from college to live with us again; we took the other out of school for an “independent study” senior year, and we’ve taken on the rehab of a 100 yr. old cottage (can you say going on 4 months without a kitchen?). What in the world were we thinking? Some days, this gig ain’t so easy. But it doesn’t have to get us down!
So let’s take a deep breath and dive right in. We’ve got blessed lives to live, my friend!
When Life is More of a Womp, Womp Than a Woohoo it sure isn’t fun, but we all have those times. All we really need is some simple encouragement to get us through.
Southern Discourse 2015 Fall Porches This was our very first tour of southern autumn porches! It’s near and dear to my heart. Take a second to stroll through and peek at the reader submissions from 2015. I am still on the lookout for this year’s porch feature. Send me a quality photograph of your porch or the porch of your friend who always does it up for fall. The deadline is Oct. 10, the porches will be featured right here on Southern Discourse the following week!
Cheesy Beef Noodle Casserole is known around my house as One Dish Meal. It’s super simple, quick and you can even put it together ahead of time! Loads of seasoned beef, cheese and a tomato mushroom sauce this a sure-fire winner on busy weeknights!
That’s it for this week’s Monday Coffee Break. Thanks for stopping by and having a cup with me as we slowed down for just a minute and started our week off right!
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