Do you have your coffee cup? I do!
Our Coffee Break together this week is going to be one of those afternoon coffee breaks. But that’s okay because sometimes we start out with a full head of steam, and by the afternoon, our little engine has lost all its go. That’s when we really need a pick-me-up!
If this Monday is one where your steam has fizzled, don’t sweat it! It happens to the best of us. The real trick is not to stay there. Take 5 or 10 to recharge, so you can end your day with as much chug in your ‘little engine that could’ as when you started. You have time, and that time spent is well worth it!
In this week’s Coffee Break you’ll find a little of what you need to finish today refreshed and Proverbs 31 strong- an easy no-bake recipe that everyone will love, a farm-fresh table for Easter and Jesus prom (yes, it’s a thing, but it just might surprise you)!
Click the photos or titles to read more or print a recipe card!
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