Do you have your coffee cup? I do!
It’s hard to believe that we are just a handful of Mondays away from Thanksgiving. But we are. And that means it’s time to start planning, or at least thinking about, tables, menus and getting together. Some of you have family plans that you look forward to every year. Some of you fill your table with friends who have become like family. We are a mix of hosts, hostesses and guests. Whatever this year may hold, there is something for you in this Monday Coffee Break! So let’s jump right in. I’m ready to start my week with you!
When It Comes to Callings, We’ve Got Hang Ups There are 3 misconceptions about God’s calling on our lives out there that make it hard to know what we’re supposed to do and keep some of us stalled out, confused about our purpose. All in all, it really isn’t all that hard. And you might be surprised to know that when it comes down to it, it doesn’t have all that much to do with passion.
The Thanksgiving Table: Ambience, Hospitality, & Food A layered mix and match Thanksgiving table with plaids, checks and the colors of fall! Nothing could be more inviting! Grab a little inspiration for your Thanksgiving table this year.
Pumpkin Chocolate Delight with Pretzel Crust Lovely layers of white chocolate and pumpkin fluff, cream cheese, whipped topping rest on a salty pretzel crust. Top off this easy recipe with a little more chocolate and pretzels, and you are ready to enjoy a heavenly taste of fall. Perfect for Thanksgiving or with coffee this weekend just because you want to!
That’s it for this week’s Monday Coffee Break. Thanks for stopping by and having a cup with me as we slowed down for just a minute and started our week off right!
The link to the pumpkin chocolate delight recipe doesn’t work. 🙁 I already pinned it because I know it’s going to be fabulous, though. 🙂
Thanks, Crystal! I went and fixed that. I have no idea what happened there! The pumpkin pic and the highlighted words are links now. And thanks for pinning!! I know you are going to LOVE it!!