Welcome to a new Southern Discourse series- Monday Coffee Break!
You know the heart of Southern Discourse is to be a place where you feel at home, a place where you are encouraged and inspired, where the conversations are honest and make a real difference. And there is no better way to have those conversations than over a cup of good coffee.
That’s why I created Monday Coffee Break. So that you and I could sit down with our cups of coffee in our homes or at our desks, take some time out and start our week off right together.
During our Monday Coffee Breaks, you will find encouragement to draw closer to Christ, inspiration to create a welcoming home and table and as always good, good food to enjoy and share with family and friends.
So grab your cup of coffee, settle in and let’s spend our Monday Coffee Break together.
This week on Monday Coffee Break:
Collard Greens & Pizza, It Might Be Just What We Need
As sisters in Christ, friends, each of us brings something important and unique to the table– experiences, wisdom, a point of view that would be absent if she weren’t present.
10 fall porches from Southern Discourse Readers and bloggers from around the blogisphere!
Pears are in season! Enjoy them in this easy-to-make Rustic Pear Galette! Pears, spices and walnuts wrapped in a pre-made crust are the perfect way to celebrate this time of year. Topped with walnut ice cream and drizzled with honey… Well, you might have just met your new favorite!
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