Do you have your coffee cup? I do!
I can’t believe that this weekend is already Memorial Day weekend. It’s all hands on deck here at Southern Discourse as we prepare for graduation parties, birthday celebrations and the official start of summer vacation!
Wow! It’s a busy time of year! And while most days our feet hit the ground running as soon as they swing out of bed, we take slowing down very seriously around here. And that’s a good thing. Otherwise this world will have us by the tail instead of the other way around. Right?
This week’s Coffee Break celebrates slowing down and enjoying sweet moments with those closest to you. So grab your cup and let’s take a break together!
Click the photos or titles to read more or print a recipe card!

Sometimes we hear that spiritual dry seasons are important parts of our spiritual journey; however, Jesus promises us a well that never runs dry.

Sometimes get-togethers are small simple affairs. Enjoy this simple picnic on the patio and a little history about the origins of Memorial Day.

Quick and easy desserts are always the way to go. Combine that with serving them in cute little jars as individual desserts, and you have yourself a real winner!
Thanks so much for stopping by to take a Coffee Break with me today!

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