Do you have your coffee cup? I do!
Friends, we are flying right into May! And while May is usually a busy month anyway, it’s going to be a wild ride at the cottage this year.
In addition to Mother’s Day and the regular end of the school year hoopla (and my birthday… why yes, I still celebrate) this is the month our last baby bird turns 18 and graduates high school. And while he’s preparing to leave the nest, this mama has been left a little breathless.
Breathless from the work that goes into the preparations, breathless from the joy of seeing him fly (if only just a little bit), and breathless from the unknown. Because despite all of the campus visits and careful planning, who know what the future really holds for him?
And for some of us… that is hard.
That’s why this week, I decided to share again a little encouragement about how ‘letting go and letting them’ might be the most important thing we can do for their faith.
And just so we don’t get too serious, I’ve also got more Cinco de Mayo for you! You’re going to find an amazingly delicious and easy recipe for Green Chile Chicken Enchilada Casserole and a fun little tutorial for making gorgeously huge crepe paper fiesta flowers by Sparkling Charm. Her tagline? “Celebrate Everything!” Isn’t that so us?! I just knew you would love it, so I had to share.
I hope you find something in this week’s Coffee Break that refreshes your soul and inspires you to make the most of what’s ahead of you.
Click the photos or titles to read more or print a recipe card!

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