A spring dessert bar is nothing to sneeze at. Ha! A pollen joke. I couldn’t help it. Seriously, y’all the yellow stuff is everywhere! For this special post, I got together with Morgan of M&M Event Rentals and The Blessing Barn in Humboldt, TN to brave the pollen and put together the cutest little dessert bar party you’ve ever seen. I am not kidding. Just wait until you see it for yourself. Yummy sweets, Kate Spade stripes, bright spring colors- it’s just the kind of get-together that let’s you do what you do best, focus on your guests.
Dessert bars are an easy way to get together with family and friends. Keep it simple. It only takes 3-4 yummy desserts (they can even be store bought, like these are) , a delicious drink or two, and, depending on your crowd, some coffee. That’s it! And no one is going to turn down an invitation for dessert. After all, who doesn’t love a little (or a lot of) dessert?
It was the sheer simplicity of a throwing a dessert party that really got me to thinking. Hosting a get together or having people over can be a lot of hard work… if we allow it. You know what I’m talking about. We hostesses can get so uptight. And sometimes, what we allow can be the very thing that will cause us to miss out on the fellowship with others that we would really like to have.
Mary and Martha experienced the same conundrum when Jesus visited their home. We all know the story. Martha was busy with preparations and details and all the things. And Mary was simply enjoying Jesus. And yes, we all know that Mary chose best by choosing Jesus over being busy. I mean, it was Jesus! So yeah, put up the broom and find out what He has to say. But you know what else, whether it was Jesus in the house or not, Mary still chose the right thing because she chose to focus on her guest instead of the work.
She chose to be present instead of preparing. She chose to listen instead of labor. She chose to look at her guest full in the face and give Him her undivided attention. She chose to meet her guest’s real needs. The ones that count. The ones that make a difference. The ones that leave their mark.
The gap between entertaining and hospitality can be a wide one if we let it. But it’s not a chasm that’s hard to cross. Just a little shift in perspective, maybe a shift in purpose, and knowing when to quit can go a long way.
Now as far as guest-centered hospitality goes, a dessert bar is the perfect way to start. It is simplistic hosting to the core, leaving you plenty of time to focus on what matters most……Your guests and the lasting relationships you’ll make.
***Pin this Spring Dessert Bar here!***
What did we use for our Dessert Bar?
- brightly colored fresh fruit (lemons, limes, strawberries, and blackberries)
- lemon cupcakes
- chocolate truffle brownies
- apple hand pies
- macaroons
- brightly colored spring flowers (from the local supermarket)
Love what you see? You can rent from M&M Rentals:
- the white wooden bar
- pub tables
- tablecloths
All of these can be rented for your next pool, graduation, engagement, birthday or anniversary party!
Wanting more easy entertaining ideas? Check out these ASD favorites?
Host a Casual Coffee Get-Together
5 Secrets to Hosting the Best Outdoor Movie Night
No Fuss, All Fun Popcorn Bar
A big thank you to The Blessing Barn for letting us use their venue for our photos!
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