There are bushels of reasons I like to get up early and head to my local farmer’s market. Veritable festivals of colors, textures, sounds, and aromas, farmer’s markets have become a vital part of local economies, providing widened access to locally grown, seasonal fruits and vegetables, not to mention local honeys, homemade jams, preserves, baked goods, fresh eggs, dairy products, and locally raised beef, pork, and chicken.
All of these local foods equal a ‘better for you’ eating experience, as well as upping the yum factor by 100%. Does it really taste differently from grocery store produce, you ask? Yes. It really does. Fruits and vegetables that are grown in season and allowed to ripen fully before picking, without having to be shipped or stored, are juicier, tastier, sweeter, tarter, you name it- the flavor really is at its truest. And the same goes for meat and dairy products.
Equally important, farmer’s markets are becoming cultural hubs. One can find local craftsman, artists, and musicians gathering and displaying their work at the market. Friends of the library have book sales. Local garden clubs sell bulbs, cuttings, and starters from their own gardens, which brings me to my point…
You should be buying your flowers at your local farmer’s market. Just as there are real reasons for buying foods from your local farmers, there are significant advantages to buying your flowers from local growers.
3 Reasons You Should Buy Flowers From Your Local Farmer’s Market
Like local farmers, local flower growers cultivate what’s in season and what grows well in your area. As a result, local growers at farmer’s markets will have a different selection of flowers than what you will find at the average grocery floral department or florist. Buying these local varieties enables you to create that “just gathered” or even a “wildflower” look that you’ve been longing after in magazines and on Pinterest. Moreover, large production farms often have to focus on cultivating varieties with thicker stems and other characteristics that are more conducive to successful refrigeration, packing, and shipping. Freedom from such requirements allows local growers to focus on nurturing varieties with other enjoyable characteristics like fragrance or texture!
2. Longer Lasting
One of the biggest complaints about purchasing cut flowers is that they don’t last very long; however, purchasing from your local grower will reward you with flowers that can last up to 1-2 weeks! The reasons why are simple and are similar to the reasons that local fruits and vegetables are better. Your blooms are allowed to mature naturally in the field, many times without chemical pesticides or fertilizers, picked at the perfect time (usually the same day you buy them), endure a shorter ride to market (no being netted and packed, then bounced and bumped across the nation or sometimes internationally), and they usually never leave water between the time they are picked from the field and you pick them at the market.
3. Less Expensive
Last but not least is cost. Buying from local growers is much less expensive per bloom or bunch than buying flowers otherwise. Not mention, you get flowers that last longer and smell wonderfully. And you don’t have to worry about making your own arrangement if you don’t want to. Quite often, they have bunches made just that morning (or just minutes before) that you can choose from. Local growers are often excited about sharing their love of flowers with others. With just a little prompting, you will find that they are eager to share their knowledge of the blooms they are vending and are more than happy to assist you in choosing your posies or even put together a bouquet especially for you.
Click for Further Reading:
“Top 10 Reasons to Buy Local Flowers,”
“Why Local Flowers,”
[…] 3 Reasons You Should Be Buying Flowers at the Farmer’s Market […]